Doctors' Working Lives News

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Improving Doctors' Working Lives

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

House of Lords rules against government restriction on overseas doctors 
The House of Lords has ruled against government guidance which restricts overseas' doctors entry into medical training via the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme. The British Association for Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) had taken the case to judicial review. The Department of Health will have to withdraw the guidance although they will be able to publish revised guidance in the future. In the meantime, the BMA have published their official response to the consultation on this issue, which suggests that "removing the pool of international medical graduates from the UK altogether will destabilise rotas” and “ultimately place patients at risk”. (BMJ, Anaesthesia UK, OnMedica) For a copy of the full House of Lords judgement click here.

A&E services in South Staffordshire are having to limit their services and send patients to clinics and GPs as the the current A&E service was described as "unsustainable" due to junior doctors' working hours limits (Express & Star).

The Health Service Journal asks:
Did racism delay the SAS contract?

The BMJ asks: Does it matter that medical graduates don’t get jobs as doctors? and examines the arguments for and against.

And a US research study looks at effects of call on sleep and mood in internal medicine residents, noting that frequent on call can affect mood significantly even when the doctor is off duty.

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This site is maintained by Ellie Pattinson. All rights reserved. This website is maintained independently of the NHS and the views expressed are not necessarily a reflection of the views of that organisation. For any queries, contributions or amendments, please email me here.